Speech Communication 102
Introduction to Speech Communication
Spring 2004



These readings can be found in a packet of photocopied articles available at Dup-It Copy Shop, 808 S. Sixth St., Champaign (337-7000).

1. Herbert H. Clark & Eve V. Clark, "The structure of language."  An excerpt from Chapter 1 ("The nature of language") in Clark & Clark's Psychology and Language (New York:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977), pp. 10-24.

2. I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt, "Similarities and differences between cultures in expressive movements."  In Robert A. Hinde (Ed.), Non-Verbal Communication (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1972), pp. 297-312.

3. Robert Nofsinger, "Conversational action."  An excerpt from Chapter 2 in Nofsinger's Everyday Conversation (Newbury Park, CA:  Sage Publications, 1991), pp. 13-34.

4. Ruth Anne Clark & Jesse G. Delia, "Cognitive complexity, social perspective-taking, and functional persuasive skills in second- to ninth-grade children."  Human Communication Research, 3  (1977), 128-134.

5. Daniel Albas & Cheryl Albas, "Aces and bombers:  The post-exam impression management strategies of students."  Symbolic Interaction, 11  (1988), 289-302.

6. Shekhar Misra & Sharon E. Beatty, "Celebrity spokesperson and brand congruence: An assessment of recall and affect. Journal of Business Research, 21 (1990), 159-173.

7. David Tewskbury and Scott L. Althaus, "Differences in knowledge acquisition among readers of the paper and online versions of a national newspaper." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 77 (2000), 457-479.

8. Jeffrey D. Robinson, "Closing medical encounters: Two physician practices and their implications for the expression of patients' unstated concerns." Social Science and Medicine, 53 (2001), 639-656.

9. Charles W. Steinfield, "Computer-mediated communications in the organization:  Using electronic mail at Xerox."  In Beverly D. Sypher (Ed.), Case Studies in Organizational Communication (New York: Guilford Press, 1990), pp. 282-293.

10. Lee Sproull & Sara Kiesler, "A two-level perspective on technology."  Chapter 1 in Sproull & Kiesler's Connections:  New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991), pp. 1-17.

11. Laura Miller, "Verbal listening behavior in conversations between Japanese and Americans."  In Jan Blommaert & Jef Verschueren (Eds.), The Pragmatics of Intercultural and International Communication (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1991), pp. 111-130.

12. John Gumperz & Celia Roberts, "Understanding in intercultural encounters."  In Jan Blommaert & Jef Verschueren (Eds.), The Pragmatics of Intercultural and International Communication (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1991), pp. 51-90.

13. Eric M. Eisenberg & Marsha Witten, "Reconsidering openness in organizational communication."  Academy of Management Review, 12 (1987), 418-426.

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