Daniel J. O’Keefe
Owen L. Coon Professor Emeritus
Department of Communication Studies
Northwestern University

Publications and papers (with links)
Awards and honors
Education and employment
Brief sketch
Complete CV (pdf)
Statement of research interests


Online lectures for undergraduate course in persuasion theory and research

            These lectures were recorded in 2020 and 2021 for an undergraduate course at Northwestern University. Lectures available here.


Selected classes from the past

  Spring 2021

      Communication Studies 205-0: Theories of Persuasion
Communication Studies 394-0: Undergraduate Research Seminar
         (Topic: Persuasion in Health Contexts)
  Spring 2020

      MTS 525-0: Special Topics Research Seminar
         (Topic: Generalizing about Message Effects)
  Spring 2013
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT) course
         (Topic: Message Variations and Persuasive Effects)

  Fall 2011
Argupolis doctoral program course: Persuasion theory and research

  Spring 2007
Communication Studies 395-0, sec. 22: Advanced Theories of Persuasion
Communication Studies 525-0, sec. 23: Advanced Theories of Persuasion
Spring 2004 (University of Illinois)
Speech Communication 102: Introduction to Speech Communication   



Online social influence course

  (part of Northwestern University’s Leadership Specialization MOOC)

      general Coursera website

      NU Leadership Specialization MOOC

      Social Influence course

      Additional references and readings for Social Influence course

      Free enrollment: how-to


Contact information
    Email:  d-okeefe [at] northwestern [dot] edu

Department of Communication Studies
School of Communication
Northwestern University